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Why choose Eira to manage your education business
Cheap and Secure Payments
Eira allows you to accept Credit Card ,EMI and UPI Payments at 0 cost.
Students only pay 1% platform charges
100% Safe and Secure
We onboard only Aadhar/PAN verified KYC teachers on our platform. Your money is 100% safe with us, with settlements done for teachers only after verifying student satisfaction.
How do I make a payment?Click on the Tuition Fees Flow Enter your PAN Card Enter amount and make the payment Teacher will get the money in his bank account next business day by 5 PM.
Who can I make a tuition fee payment to a non registered tuition teacher?The Tuition teacher needs to be onboarded onto Eira for him to accept payments. Follow the below steps to pay a non onboarded teacher 1)Click on the pay tuition fees button 2)Enter your Teacher's Phone number 3)Enter Teacher's PAN Details 4)KYC Link will be sent to the teacher Post KYC , you can make a payment to the teacher you have onboarded.
Are there any extra fees for payments through Eira?Payments through credit cards/EMI are charged a modest 1%* platform fees, with no other hidden costs, while payments through UPI are free of cost.
How do I join a session?Post session confirmation , you will receive a google meet invite on Whatsapp. Click on the link with your registered email ID.
How long will the settlement usually take?Payments are confirmed instantly. Teacher will get the money the next business day at 5 PM in their bank accounts For example You made a payment of Rs 100 on 10 October to a teacher onboarded onto Eira. Rs 100 will be settled in teachers bank account before 5 PM on 11 October
Is safe and secure?Eira is completely safe and secure with 99.99% timely settlements. For any queries you can contact +91-9266557264
How do I sign up on Eira?Signing up on Eira is simple. Click on login as a tutor, enter a few personal details, complete your KYC (including Aadhaar) and voila you are onboarded on Eira.
Is there any platform fees for EiraNo, Eira will always remain free for tutors for payment acceptance and session management. Students pay a modest 1% fee to pay through Credit Card/EMI
What KYC documents do you need for onboarding?You need to have 3 documents handy 1) PAN 2) Aadhaar 3) Bank Account Details
Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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